Stop Drinking Alcohol

Methods to Stop Drinking Alcohol / About this Blog

There are no recipes or specific methods to stop drinking alcohol. Treatments for patients who are suffering from alcoholism for a long period of time may require longer treatments than those people who are not. There are also different treatments for those people who are suffering from alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It depends on the specific conditions of each person. Is there something important and are common to all interventions? Yes, the will to overcome the problem.

"It's not the same pathological consumption, which have an abuse or dependence," said addiction specialist psychiatrist, Gustavo Quijada. Therefore, before beginning the best is an evaluation with a group of specialists, consisting of a psychologist, a therapist and a psychiatrist. Just there is able to choose the right treatment for the person.

Quijada mentions also other aspects to consider, such as age and gender: "The world trend is to tailor treatment to patient needs.

One key to successful treatment for the addiction to alcohol is the motivation. This is power "if the person has a family firm and is clear what is lost or lost if not stop it. In this case, they are more likely to go to stop drinking alcohol".

Professional support: Within the basic elements in the process to stop consuming alcohol are psychotherapy (sessions with the psychologist or psychiatrist and support with medication), group therapy and self-help groups for families, in addition to prevention relapse. And as accessories, couples therapy, family, occupational and assistance by a social worker can help in dealing with alcoholism and it can be also helpful in terms of family intervention and recovery for the disease.

Presences of other diseases when you are stopping drinking alcohol are common also among people who are in the habit for quite sometime. The addiction may have built other complications and health hazards so it is better to stop drinking in an alcohol rehabilitation center to combat all the effects in withdrawal. In addition to his alcoholism, have depression, personality disorders or tables anxious, as panic disorder or social phobia, it is advisable relapse prevention work and includes the supervision of doctors from other specialties.

Physical location: If it's a place, then the treatment can be performed in a therapeutic community on an outpatient basis (assisting in the day) or residential (inpatient).

In some cases, including hospitalization of the person, which takes place in two situations:
a. The person can not stop eating because it can not, although he wants to quit drinking.
b. The person has many symptoms of withdrawal if he leaves the substance. In other cases, the family is who the person inside.

The Importance of Family Members When Stopping Drinking Alcohol

Claudio Valeria, a psychiatrist at the Catholic University, believes that "the family is super important to monitor the patient and as a support network." However, it mentions that it is not advisable to start treatment with family therapy, because the family is usually exhausted due to exposure to changes in its sick member, so it is unable to accept an intervention of this nature.

The family must learn not to boycott the treatment accepts no abnormal attitudes. One example is the college student who arrives from the provinces and gets the money to pay all their expenses, including college and leases. "There is no clear control of the family who could pass for college and pay them rent and to decrease the amount of money you access to the young."

Other times, families are at the opposite extreme and are very rigid. This happens because they take years and find it hard to trust the person. Moreover, "we must show the family that a person with addictive behaviors is someone very frustrated hence undergoes changes may feel very intense and your family can not perceive it that way. He should not feel neglected when he is undergoing alcoholism treatments to avoid depression and anxiety. He should have all the supports from family members and closed friends when he decides to stop drinking alcohol.”

After this educational task is to assess whether the individual and the environment can withstand close family therapy.